DIY Chalkboard Candy Box

When it comes to DIY candy boxes, some people don’t’ want to deal with the hassle of getting singular boxes. But, did you know that you could make some cool candy boxes that are made out of boxes you can buy at the store? Here is how you make a DIY chalkboard candy box, and why it matters.

First, things first, is you go to the store and get some candy boxes, whether they be Hershey’s, or whatever they are.  Cover the very top of this with thin layers of chalkboard paint. Let it dry between every single layer.  From there, paint this over, and let it sit to dry.

Once it’s fully dry, you’re then ready to write! If you’re like me and you’re bad creativity, then you should consider something like this. With chalkboard paint, you can write simple and cute messages that will really appeal to the one who is receiving it.  they’ll love getting sweet messages about how you’re their valentine and such, and you can use simple kids chalk in order to do this.

Personally, I love using the pinks, reds, and whites for the chalk on this.  it’s a great way to ensure that you’re giving them something that they will love. If you do end up messing up, that’s okay, because you can always erase it, or just take it off as needed.  Plus, it does have a nice creativity attached to it.

Once you’re done with this, you’ll then want to spend a little bit of time letting it dry8. it’s chalk,b but sometimes letting it sit for a bit will help with making this stick, and that’s something that a lot of people can benefit from.

Once finished, then you can give this to the person that you want to give it to! I’m sure that they will love it, and they will enjoy it.

Personally, for me, I loved doing this. it’s so simple, and yet so very effective. Candy boxes have the added benefit of being really nice, and they can add a great, personal touch to all of your work.  If you’re like me and want to create something that will ultimately really make a big difference, then this is the way to go.  With this, you’ll be able to craft some candy boxes that you will enjoy, and in turn, be able to create the candy boxes that your partner will like.

This is a great way for those of us who hate to get super creative to get creative, and over time, you’ll be able to learn from this, how beneficial it is to create candy boxes that you’ll love, and with this as well, you’ll be able to give the gift of some amazing candy boxes to the person that you care about.  they’re a great way to show someone that you love them, and in truth, you can do this with just about any type of candy box that’s out there.

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