How to Upcycle Old Candy Boxes

Do you have candy boxes that you got as gifts from people, but you have no freaking clue what to do with them? Well, why not upcycle them? One of the best ways to do so is to create a jewelry and keepsake box that will let you get the most that you can out of your boxes, and here, we’ll discuss how you can effectively and easily do that, and also create the best details possible on that.

So to begin, you need an old candy box that you might have you can spray paint this with a color that you feel works best. Personally, I love using the color black, and you can from there let it dry, and from there, you can add some leftover trim from any other type of project and hot glue this for detail, and from there, you can use chalk spray paint to paint over the black, especially if you really like the chalkboard style for your boxes.

Mandy times, you can from there decorate it as needed. There are those small wooden knobs that you can find in hobby stores which work perfectly for the legs, along with the top of the jewelry box, all of which are painted black, and once they are dried, they’re lightly sprayed as well with the chalk paint. You can then lightly sand this to make it look antique.

You can from here, add a stencil in order to really make it look great.  You can definitely add different looks, but little fleur-de-lis definitely adds to this.

If you’re someone that has a lot of uses for these types of boxes, you can even make different ones. Personally, I love making butterflies and flowers on this, and I noticed too that this is definitely something that I personally love, and something that I think can look great.

If you have a lot of these boxes, even just adding them in can help to make it so easy for you to continue to add to, and you can actually ake your old candy boxes, repurpose them again for candy boxes, and give them to others. Or they can be used as jewelry boxes, and it adds to that personal touch and flavor of this.

Upcycling is a great way to reuse things that you already have, and there are so many different ways to upcycle your candy boxes, so if you’ve been wondering about the best ways to tackle this type of usage, then now is the time. You can really make it work, and make a huge difference in your own personal candy box ideas, and from there, you can add to these, and also create a personal touch to them. If you have a lot of these boxes, they do make the perfect keepsake box for you, but your family too, and they also re good just for personal gifts that you can benefit from in any case too.

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